Speaker Submission Portal

Speaker Submission Portal

Thank you for agreeing to speak at an APTA Oklahoma event. Please upload all the information requested in form at least 30 days prior to the event day.

Your Name and Credentials (eg, Jane Doe, PT, DPT): *
Course Title: *
Email Address: *
Phone Number: *
Please upload a high resolution headshot (jpg or png preferred): *
(Valid File Types: bmp,csv,doc,docx,eps,gif,jpeg,jpg,mfp,pdf,png,ppt,pptx,rft,swf,tif,txt,xls,xlsx | Maximum File Size : 1.0 MB)
Please attach a brief bio (300 words or less): *
(Valid File Types: bmp,csv,doc,docx,eps,gif,jpeg,jpg,mfp,pdf,png,ppt,pptx,rft,swf,tif,txt,xls,xlsx | Maximum File Size : 1.0 MB)
Please attach a course abstract (doc or pdf preferred): *
(Valid File Types: bmp,csv,doc,docx,eps,gif,jpeg,jpg,mfp,pdf,png,ppt,pptx,rft,swf,tif,txt,xls,xlsx | Maximum File Size : 1.0 MB)