All APTA Oklahoma continuing education and conference courses are pre-approved by the Oklahoma Medical Board of Supervision and Licensure.
However, APTA OK does not approve or have any involvement with CEU accreditation for courses. If you would like to know if you will receive credit for a specific course, apply for CEUs for a course, or have a question about CEU policies, please contact the Oklahoma Medical Board at (405) 962-1400.
Throughout the year, APTA OK offers many different continuing education opportunities, including virtual and in-person options to expand your knowledge and your networks.
To browse CE offerings sponsored by outside organizations, be sure to check our Classified Ads.
As an APTA Oklahoma member, you have the privilege of storing all your CE certificates inside the Member Center for easy access when it comes time to validate your license with the Oklahoma Medical Board, on January 31st of every even year.
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