APTA Oklahoma's Vision is to be the recognized leader in defining and supporting the profession of physical therapy in Oklahoma.

APTA Oklahoma: Committee Leadership & Descriptions

Awards & Scholarships

The Awards & Scholarships Chair oversees the Chapter's awards and scholarship application process. For more information, visit our Member Recognition page.

Lynn Jeffries, PT, DPT, PhD - Chair
Ashley Smith, PT, DPT; Fran MacArthur, PT; Kari Collier, PT, DPT; Allison Miles, PTA; Kelly Berry, PT; and Brandon Schrrer, PT, DPT - Members

The Ethics Committee receives complaints of ethical violations from the Chapter President. The committee then conducts investigations and hearings and makes recommendations accordingly. Contact the APTA Oklahoma president to initiate an ethics violation complaint.

Legislative Affairs
Jeff Jankowski, PT - Federal Chair; Brandon Trachman, PT, OCS - State Chair

The Legislative Affairs leaders serve as legislative watchdogs. They direct lobbying and advocacy efforts and inform the membership on matters of legislation pertinent the practice of physical therapy. Visit our State and Federal Advocacy pages for more details and information.


APTA Oklahoma is currently looking for a Membership Committee Chair. Please email director@okpt.org if you or someone you know is interested.

Duties of the Membership Committee include tracking and following membership activities within the chapter, providing support and information to new and existing members, and actively working on membership recruitment and retention.


Abigail Carnes, PT, DPT - Chair
Dale Boren, PT, MPT, OCS - Member 

The Nominations Committee is responsible to prepare a slate of two (2) or more names for each office to be filled by election at chapter meetings. The committee chair presents nominations and nominees to the membership at the Chapter Membership Meetings and accepts any nominations from the floor. The committee also suggests the number of names for nomination to the Physical Therapy Committee of the Oklahoma Board of Medical Licensure and Supervision.

Oklahoma Core Ambassador

Core ambassadors are responsible for implementing strategies and initiatives to promote student engagement. Their goal is to create awareness of advocacy efforts at the state and national levels, and to provide students with opportunities to increase involvement within APTA. Core ambassadors communicate and develop student initiatives with their state chapter to enhance the student experience. To learn more and apply, visit https://www.apta.org/CoreAmbassadors/

Kyle Stanley PT, DPT - Chair

The Reimbursement Chair closely tracks payment and reimbursement changes, informs the membership as appropriate, and provides resources for members with questions regarding the ever-changing reimbursement landscape.